Friday 14 March 2014


The start of protest can be traced when Ukraine asked EU for 20 billion in loans and aid but EU was willing to give only 600 million Euros while Russia was willing to offer 15billion as loan. EU required the rate of gas to be made cheaper and also wanted major changes in laws of Ukraine but Russia demanded nothing. President Viktor urged parliament to adopt laws to meet EU’s criteria. Russia in response to that banned all imports from Ukraine. As a consequence of that the industrial production of Ukraine dropped sharply. To make over the situation Ukrainian govt. Suspended signing of deal with EU.As the people came out to streets, some were supporting and others were against it.  As Crimea showed its interest to join Russia the G-7 warned Russia to back out otherwise face sanction. It came after Russia's military intervention in the war-torn country Ukraine. The leaders of G-7 (U.S.A, GERMANY, U.K, FRANCE, JAPAN, ITALY, and CANADA) jointly said it should keep itself away from the territorial boundary of Ukraine. Ukraine's acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk arrived in Washington for a meeting with U.S president Barack Obama. Obama said the issue can be solved by dialogues and there are constitutional processes for that but it can’t be solved at the gun point. NATO have deployed AWACS(Airborne Warning and Control System) surveillance planes to fly over Poland and Romania to monitor any activity near Ukraine. Ukraine has banned main Russian TV channels in its territory to obstruct any information transfer. Crimea has begun broadcasting Russian TV channels in the same frequency on which earlier Ukraine's channels were broadcast. U.S Secretary of state John Kerry met Russia’s foreign minister in London and tried to persuade him to refuse the request of Crimea to be a part of Russia.

Whether it is Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Iraq Do you think the foreign interference in other country’s affairs make the situation worse and push it to abyss that can’t be recovered forever?


  1. on Sunday what could be the landmark vote Crimea voted for annexation by Russia, almost 96% voted for it. As EU and U.S is preparing for sanctions against Moscow such as travel sanctions, freeze assets.

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