Saturday 22 March 2014


In a dramatic move Russian annexed Crimea amid huge pressure from the EU and America. The president of Russia and the leaders of Crimea signed treaty on annexation of Crimea. Secretary General of U .N  Ban Ki Moon visits Russia and met President Vladimir Putin to ease the escalating tensions between Russia with America and EU. Britain Says it will apply tough measures against Russia, Obama signals that Russia may be expelled out of G8. The European Commission has said to extend one billion Euros to Ukraine in addition to 600 million Euros promised earlier. The govt. In Ukraine has banned various Russian TV channels in Ukraine. India on the other hand has refrained itself from applying any sanctions because its policy of not implementing any sanction that is not approved by United Nations. Russian President Vladimir Putin called Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and elucidated the situation that led to the integration of Crimea. The Prime Minister maintained India’s position on the unity and territorial integrity of countries and called for more diplomatic solution to the problem. India’s An-32 planes are undergoing modernisation in Ukrainian factories. AN-32 operates in Hilly areas of North East and  Ladakh regions and most of the engines of the aircraft that are in use in India are run by Ukrainian engines. The factories are mostly concentrated on eastern sides near Russia and have substantial Russian population, but the factories are safe.

1 comment:

  1. Ukraine ordered to withdraw its forces from Crimea as Russian forces entered Crimea took full control of it.The interim President said it is because of threat to the lives and health of our service personnel . The G-8 expelled Russia from it and cancelled its meeting that was scheduled to take place in Sochi,Russia. The IMF approved aid of $14 bn to $18 bn loans to Ukraine as the country is facing very tough times.
